Accessing and Manipulating Active Directory with ASP.NET

XML and HTTP Data Access Classes

Mapping XML to C# Objects Using Reflection

UDDI and Web Services

UDDI and Web Services

04 October 2002

Flash MX, Remoting, ASP.NET, and Web Services

A .NET Web Service Interface for Messaging Between a Classic ASP Client and a JSP Client

Developing a Rich Client Forum Reader Using Windows Forms and Web Services

Creating a Custom .NET Remoting Sink

Creating Dynamic ASP.NET Server Controls Using  XML

Design Patterns: A Professional Approach Toward Component Design

Freedonia Focus on Fiber Optics

String Encryption with Visual Basic .NET

XML Schema in MSXML 4.0 and .NET

Web Data Extraction with VB.NET

Refactoring and ASP

Refactoring and ASP

14 August 2002

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