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Parenting & Relationships

Released: 2012-09-10

The Wonder Weeks, Leap 10 by Frans Plooij Ph.D


WARNING: In The Wonder Weeks, full version, all ten leaps are described. This chapter book only describes the 10th leap.
The Wonder Weeks, start fussy week 71, Wonder Week 75, Leap 10. How to stimulate your toddlers mental development and help him turn this predictable, great, fussy phases into a magical leap forward, describes in easy-to-understand terms the incredible developmental changes that all toddlers go through 75 weeks after the due date (start fussy period at 71 weeks).
The book is based on the discovery of the phenomenon that all normal, healthy toddlers appear to be more tearful, troublesome, demanding and clingy and have more temper tantrums at very nearly the same ages.

A worldwide bestseller and sanity savior for parents around the globe.

Start learning rules now, prevent the terrible two’s!

@75 Weeks: (Leap of “Systems”) He Chooses Tactics to Reach His Goal
At the tenth leap, around 75 weeks or a good 17 months, your toddler gets the new ability to observe and manipulate “systems.” Just as her programs were rigid before she had risen to new heights after taking her ninth leap, so too were her principles lacking certain flexibility before this tenth leap. She was only able to apply them in a set way, always the same, regardless of the situation.

When your toddler enters into the world of systems, he is now able to see clearly over the world of principles. He no longer applies principles as rigidly as before. He is able to adjust his principles to changing circumstances. For instance, he is now able to choose to apply a moral principle, or not. From this age on, you can see him develop the tender beginnings of a conscience, by systematically upholding his norms and values. And, very distinct systems in your toddler’s world begin to emerge:
• Me and My Notion of Self
• Me and You
• Me and My Family or Friends
• Me and My Art
• Me and My Talking

This chapter / leap book includes:
• Guide to toddlers behavior at the age of 75 weeks (start fussy period at 71 weeks)
• An explanation of the markers for cranky, clingy, crying (the three C's) behavior and how to deal with them
• A description from your toddlers perspective of the world around him and how you can understand the changes he's going through
• Fun games and gentle activities you can do with your child
This chapter / leap book offers you:
• Support in times of trouble (75 weeks) (fussy period start at 71 weeks)
• Self-confidence
• Help in understanding your toddler
• Hints on how to help your toddler play and learn
• A unique account of your toddlers development
For more detailed information about contents and the research behind the book, please visit

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Book Details

Author: Frans Plooij Ph.D Publisher: Kiddy World Promot.. Binding: Kindle Edition Language: English Pages: 115

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