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Released: 2012-10-02

From the Hands of Delilah to the Arms of Samson: Becoming the Jewel He Desperately Needs…Being the Man She Essentially Desires by Mo Stegall


A HEALING, RESTORING, AND EMPOWERING GUIDE FOR EVERYDAY MEN WHO ARE IN SEARCH OF BUILDING AND SUSTAINING MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS From the Hands of Delilah to the Arms of Samson authorizes men to bring their hurt from past relationships, life challenges, and silent frustrations to the forefront without fear of manipulation, allowing his heart to be healed, his manhood restored and his soul empowered. It sanctions men to delve into the intricate components of their minds, hearts and inner most emotions challenging them to sift through those rigid walls of hurt, neglect and excuses while positioning him to be the strong loving pillar of his family. It is also an insightful resource for women educating, encouraging and empowering women on how to become the precious jewel that men desperately need. As the author shares innovative analogies, remarkable stories, and perceptive information readers learn how to: • Investigate the pitfalls of past relationships • Identify issues and challenges that may prohibit growth and development • Learn how to become marriage material • Successfully build healthy relationships • Apply innovative tools to optimizing life-style choices • Why men cheat with U.G.L.Y Women • Relinquish generational relationship curses • Why 60% of couples who engage will never marry • Be a treasure hunter & jewel expert And more….

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Book Details

Author: Mo Stegall Publisher: Antdreren Publishi.. Binding: Paperback Language: English Pages: 280

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